Examples of Interactive Notebook Pages

Writing Process-

One of my favorite interactive notebook pages! By teaching our students the writing process and modeling tools for each step, our students can become independent writers. This is very effective with a writer’s workshop framework. The left side illustrates the steps in the writing process. Under each flap, we record the tools we might use during that step. I also like to have the students draw a picture on the front of the flap to represent that step in the writing process. We can easily modify this for our K-2 students. Let me know if you are interested in how?



Step Up to Writing Accordion Essay-

If students are able to construct a solid paragraph then writing an essay is made easy by Step Up to Writing’s accordion essay. This specific interactive notebook page was used with students 5th -9th grade.


Step Up to Writing Informal Outlines-

A quick informal outline about Thanksgiving Break was so easy to make in our writer’s notebook. (5th/6th Morgan Ernesti, Milford Elementary School) Informal outlines work great for interacting with text and also taking notes in all content areas.


Parts of Speech in Writer’s Notebook- Understanding and working with Nouns

Seward 2nd Grade team shared this with me. Not only does this integrate grammar into the students’ writing, but it also gives the students a great resource to refer back to during writer’s workshop!

People that matter:

Places that matter:

Things that matter:

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